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Pet dogs

Companion dogs, none more than them must be faithful and meek, affectionate and full of attention towards the owner and the whole family. Not only that: they are often animals that find themselves living in an apartment. It does not always happen the house, or the "super palace": therefore pet dogs must be able and able to stay with discrete composure in the rooms.
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Iris, growing in the home or garden

Iris, cultivation and care: how to grow iris at home or in the garden. Meaning in the language of flowers, description of the flower and the plant. Colors and varieties of iris. The cultivation of iris has spread quickly both for the therapeutic properties of the plant and for the beauty of the flower. The rhizome (the fleshy root of the flower) is known for its emollient, diuretic and expectorant properties, while the aerial part, the flower, is appreciated for its scent.
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Tofu, properties and info

Tofu, properties and benefits. How tofu is prepared, contraindications and nutritional values. Tofu is described as soy cheese, in fact it is prepared starting from the coagulation of the macerate obtained from yellow soy, what is commonly called "soy milk". For more information on what soy milk is, we invite you to read the guide dedicated to homemade soy milk.
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Green coffee, all the info on the product

Green coffee: we provide you with the real properties of green coffee and from here we explain whether its slimming effect really works. Green coffee or green coffee, what it is Green coffee is being heard more and more often lately. But what is green coffee? These are unroasted coffee beans, harvested more or less ripe.
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Summer drinks: the best

Summer drinks, so as not to dry up in a sweat bath, but not only that, otherwise water would be enough. Instead, during the hot season, it is recommended by everyone, including us, to drink something that is also rich in vitamins and mineral salts that help us fight the heat and not end the days with a sense of general exhaustion.
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Catalan Shepherd Dog

Catalan Sheepdog, a dog from Spain, from a specific region of Spain where it has developed for centuries almost without interacting with others. Solitary with the cattle to guard, it belongs to the category of shepherd dogs and cattle dogs, it is called Gos d’Atura or Perro pastor catalàn and exists in both the short-haired and long-haired varieties.
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