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5 Tibetans: benefits

5 Tibetans, it is not the beginning of a joke nor a list of principles that from above claim to teach us how we should live. These are rituals that we can understand as daily practices, perhaps for a good awakening, perhaps to be combined with the Greeting to the Sun. Let's understand them as we like, let's read them and let's not care, or let's try to see if what they say is true: they would be the 5 Tibetans the secret to staying young, or to rejuvenating.
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Monti Sibillini National Park: what to see

Monti Sibillini National Park, a park that protects the mountains that give it name and fame, but not only. This protected area extends further and acts as a bridge between the eastern side and the western side of the boot. This transitional positioning offers an unimaginable variety of landscapes and a unique richness also in terms of fauna and flora.
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Alternative uses for lemon peels

Alternative uses for lemon peels: from air freshener to tonic to remove dark spots on the skin, here's how to reuse the peels of this citrus fruit with a thousand properties. Lemon is one of the most appreciated and consumed foods all over the world; its delicious acid taste, high in vitamins and minerals, has allowed its use in gastronomy and alternative medicine.
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Hydrogeological risk: definition and situation in Italy

Hydrogeological risk: together with seismic and volcanic risks, it is to be considered one of the major environmental risks associated with human activities. From the name, which recalls water, it could be less scary, and instead we have every reason to be on guard against this category. We will see it from the updated numbers, thanks to Legambiente reports, and going back to the numerous episodes we have witnessed, in Italy and around the world.
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Nutrigenomics: what it is, tests and diet

Nutrigenomics, a discipline that is increasingly intertwined with our daily life and with our eating habits. After Expo 2015, which brought the topic of health and nutrition to everyone's eyes, attention has increased but even earlier, molecular biology studies had highlighted the correlation between food and DNA.
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