The objective of the seed pumps is to encourage and promote reforestation. They originate in Japan from the hand of Masanobu Fukuoka, there they are called Nendo Dango and they are made with clay. Instead, they are made with newspaper, a little simpler for those who live in the cities. This method, thought by Bruna Pimentel, gives very good results following this step by step.
Smart labels for better living. It is not just a matter of convenience, indeed, for those interested in combating food waste, they are an important tool for reducing junk food. They aren't just for tech-savvy people, not even just for those who are health obsessed.
Induction hob, in Italy it is not as widespread as in other neighboring countries, partly for economic reasons, in addition to different energy policies, but partly also because it is not yet clear what are the advantages that can be obtained by choosing this type of device.
Dog that suffers from the heat, he too, like us, sometimes even more, partly for the hair, but not only. There are less obvious reasons why the dog who suffers from the heat should not be neglected but, without alarmism, helped to take shelter so that everything turns into a slight, bearable annoyance.
Cats language, owners dream of learning to understand it because these animals, much more than their fellow dogs, are enigmatic. They have a nice temper, much less linear and often even moody, which is why if we could at least partially decipher the Cat Language, coexistence could improve.
The increased harvest could affect the ability to combat the climate crisis due to the reduction of the carbon absorption capacity of forests. Data suggest that Europe has lost a greatly increased forest area in harvest in recent years, This reduces the continent's carbon-absorbing capacity and possibly indicates broader problems with the EU's attempts to combat the climate crisis.