
Phytocosmetics: meaning and recipes

Phytocosmetics: meaning and recipes

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Phytocosmetics, a sector of which we often wonder what the exact boundaries are and that is why it is good to clarify what it means that a product is phytocosmetics and what are the benefits associated with this definition.

Phytocosmetics: products

When we are in front of a cosmetic and we look at its formula, we must pay attention to the cosmetic base (excipient) but also to the plant active ingredients (phytocomplexes). The percentage of ingredients of vegetable origin must also be consistent in the base, as well as in general, because 1% of vegetable active ingredient is not enough. It gives a definition that also concerns the base (excipient), of vegetable origin.

When using products of this type, it cannot be expected to have immediate results, the difference and advantages compared to other types of cosmetics are noticeable in the long term, after about a month of regular use.

There are those who judge a cream immediately, at the time of its application, and then will not understand why it is better to opt for phytocosmetics products. In truth both silicones, paraffins and petrolatum, do not give real improvements in the long run but only some momentary illusions.

Phytocosmetics: meaning

When we talk about phytocosmetics we mean products of plant origin, then if we talk about organic phytocosmetics, then you have in your hands some cosmetics created mainly using organically grown plant extracts, pure raw materials without residues of pesticides and other chemicals.

If we hear about phytocomplex, better know why. Because the set of active ingredients of a plant must be considered, taken "in full", when evaluating it, because that is what matters. It is the mix that has a higher activity than that of the various molecules considered individually. In fact, it has been proven that the plants, used in their entirety, produce different effects from those obtained using their individual active ingredients.

Phytocosmetics: books

We can deepen with a reading: "Beautiful with herbs. Handbook of phytocosmetics ”by Ennio Lazzarini and Anna R. Lonardoni.

Phytocosmetics: recipes

The recipes are available both online and in books like the one just mentioned. Often, and since ancient times, it was used to create them, olive oil, or Shea butter, sesame oil and Argan oil.

Phytocosmetics: course

In some courses or in certain schools for beauticians, there are phytocosmetics courses. Among the topics covered: allergic and photoallergic reactions caused by functional substances cosmetics of vegetable origin, plants beneficial for circulation, lipolytic and draining remedies, formulations of gels and creams, eudermic oils, phytotherapeutic and phytocosmetic remedies for sunburn, warts, keloids, acne vulgaris, cutaneous mycosis and onychomycosis and regulations for the production and sale of cosmetic products.

Natural phytocosmetics

As mentioned already, natural phytocosmetics must give even greater guarantees on the ingredients that must come from “natural agriculture". When it comes to products eco-friendly, it should be excluded that they contain petrolatum, silicones, ichthyotoxic conditioners, synthetic thickeners. On the one hand, yes pollutes less, on the other hand, however, some performances are not at the same level as those given by traditional and less green cosmetics.

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