Apitherapy: for arthritis, chronic pain, injuries and allergies

Apitherapy: for arthritis, chronic pain, injuries and allergies

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Apitherapy is a type of treatment that involves bees and the use of products derived from them. It is used to treat diseases such as arthritis, as well as certain wounds, pain from chronic diseases, and even injuries. It is also known to improve skin health by reducing inflammation and wrinkles, as well as providing antibacterial effects.

Most bee products contain royal jelly and beeswax. Royal jelly is used by the queen of bees, who feed on this enzyme-enriched food. The hive creates beeswax to build its home and store honey and pollen. Here are some health benefits of bee products, also known as apitherapy:

Improves oral health

Propolis is a combination of beeswax, tree resins, honey, and enzymes made by bees to protect the hive from external threats, such as bacteria or viruses. Propolis can have a number of health benefits, including reducing gingivitis and plaque when added to a mouthwash. It can even help heal and prevent mouth sores as well. Oral health is vital because our mouths are the entry point to the digestive and respiratory tracts, therefore this is a barrier to naturally protect against oral diseases.

Helps relieve wounds and allergies

Honey has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that are effective in treating wounds and reducing the risk of infection. It is classified as raw, regular and pure, with raw being the best due to its antioxidant properties. Its properties can also help soothe a sore throat caused by allergies. Consuming raw local honey that contains small amounts of regional pollen introduces this allergen into the body and helps your system to slowly develop an immunity.

May improve immune health

Bee venom is believed to increase T-cell production, slowing down allergen responses and reducing inflammation. Bee venom therapy might help reduce symptoms of autoimmune conditions, such as lupus, encephalomyelitis, and rheumatoid arthritis, by reducing inflammation and increasing the body's immune response.

Relieves arthritis

The best known reason for apitherapy is its use to relieve any pain that may be caused by arthritis. In this case, it is specifically bee venom therapy. This treatment is administered to the skin through a stainless steel micro mesh and consists of an average of 40 bites in one session. It then acts as an anti-inflammatory by reducing swelling, pain, and stiffness. Apitherapy is part of traditional medicine that has been used since ancient Greece.

Serves as a multivitamin

Honey has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that are effective in treating wounds and reducing the risk of infection. It is classified as raw, regular and pure, with raw being the best due to its antioxidant properties. Its properties can also help soothe a sore throat caused by allergies. Consuming raw local honey that contains small amounts of regional pollen introduces this allergen into your body and helps your system to slowly build an immunity.

May improve immune health

Bee venom is believed to increase T-cell production, slowing down allergen responses and reducing inflammation. Bee venom therapy might help reduce symptoms of autoimmune conditions, such as lupus, encephalomyelitis, and rheumatoid arthritis, by reducing inflammation and increasing the body's immune response.

Possible side effects

Ironically, although apitherapy can be beneficial for some, everyone can react differently and it can be dangerous for some people. In particular, people who are known to have severe allergies to bees should not try any apitherapy.

Some of the other possible side effects of apitherapy include headache, cough, pain, and muscle weakness. Always check with a doctor before starting a new treatment regimen.

Video: Bee Venom Therapy. What it is, how it works, treating chronic illness (January 2025).