
Xoloitzcuintle: character and breeding

Xoloitzcuintle: character and breeding

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Xoloitzcuintle, also known as Mexican Naked Dog and, outside Italy, Mexican Hairless Dog: names that already explain why this dog is well recognizable, even if quite similar to other hairless animals, or almost, like him. But only ours Xoloitzcuintle comes from Mexico, is classified as a primitive type dog.

Xoloitzcuintle: origins

This is one of the oldest breeds believed to be the most ancient in the canine world, to investigate its origins it is necessary to go back to centuries and centuries ago. Not very pleasant, delving into our past Xoloitzcuintle, discover, however, that the peoples of the time raised it like any other meat animal, the indigenous people in fact considered it a source of sustenance just like many of us nowadays watch and raise a cow: they fed on his and were even delighted.

At the same time, in other cultures, this dog was even considered a sacred animal, "the one sent by God"And it is to be believed because its name Xoloitzcuintle derives from "Xolotl”Which has this meaning. The ancients, those who did not eat it, believed that its mission was to act as a guide and "shepherd dog" to all the souls of the dead who were directed to their eternal home, if they deserved to stay there.

Xoloitzcuintle: standard

Currently there are three varieties that are distinguished not from the morphological point of view but only for size. The standard one includes Xoloitzcuintle which measure 45 to 55 cm at the withers and are usually dogs used for guarding. They are accepted and considered standard even if they reach 60 cm.

Another variety of this naked dog is the so-called intermediate one. It concerns specimens with a height at the withers from 35 to 45 cm, always intended as guard animals, so it is not for Xoloitzcuintle miniature that they are simply pet, also because the height at the withers ranges from 25 to 35 cm.

The evident characteristic of this breed, which makes it recognizable, loved or not, according to taste, is the almost total lack of hair. Stroking it, then, you touch the smooth and sweet skin. For the rest this dog has a well-proportioned physique, with a broad chest, spacious rib cage and long limbs as well as a tail. Speaking of length, that of the body as a whole is slightly greater than the height at the withers and in general the females are longer even if not disproportionate or too threadlike.

The skull of the Xoloitzcuintle seen from above, it appears broad and strong, the cheeks are not very developed and the muzzle becomes more refined up to the nose which is usually very dark in dogs with dark coats, pink or brown in bronze or blond specimens. In spotted dogs, on the other hand, it is consistent with depigmented spots.

From the head, straight with a very muscular neck but of perfect elegance, long ears emerge, large so as to explicitly recall those of a bat. I don't know if it is Xoloitzcuintle would be happy with this comparison, looking into his eyes, medium-sized and slightly almond-shaped, as dark as possible, you immediately notice his lively and very intelligent expression which agrees well with his gait characterized by an elegant step and by long strides.

Xoloitzcuintle: character

It is a special character that of Xoloitzcuintle who turns out to be a dog with a noble disposition and a very reserved attitude. It is an animal that does not skimp on affection and is very, very attached to its owner and family, it loves cuddles. At home as when we take him for a walk and run around in the garden, he is always awake and attentive to what surrounds him but let's not think about those restless dogs that almost get to stress us.

Our Mexican hairless dog knows how to behave and when it is time to be quiet and calm, in his place. It is not an expansive character that of Xoloitzcuintle, in fact, in the presence of strangers, he immediately appears distrustful and alert, he calms down and reassures himself only with his owners and in familiar places. In general, it moves fast and snappy but not impetuous, it gets along quite well with other dogs of the same breed even if it is almost inevitable that small disputes arise about who is the predominant subject.

The character of the Xoloitzcuintle and that of its nude analogue of Peruvian origin are quite similar, you can check this by reading the article Peruvian dog, discovering an equally hairless, affectionate and athletic alternative. And South American.

Xoloitzcuintle: farms

in Italy there are no farms of Xoloitzcuintle indicated on the ENCI website as official, however, on the net it appears that this breed, which is very little widespread in Italy, as in the rest of Europe, is bred in the province of Alessandria, at the Gervasoni kennel, in Tagliolo Monferrato.

In general, beyond the arduous search for a well certified breeding to procure a puppy of Xoloitzcuintle, we take your needs into account. It is in fact a dog that needs to move: at least a long walk or a nice run in the garden every day.

L'absence of hair it's not an excuse to avoid grooming, quite the opposite! It should be bathed quite frequently and with neutral PH products, better if accompanied by a massage with an abrasive sponge to remove dead skin. A trick that will make our friend feel loved and well liked a four paws is the gesture of spreading it from head to tail with moisturizing cream, especially in summer when the protective one against the sun's rays must be chosen.

Xoloitzcuintle: photo

As for the skin, and any traces of hair, that of the Xoloitzcuintle it is very smooth and delicate, warm if touched, which is not the case for other breeds with fur where the heat is diffused by the natural ventilation between the hairs. In the specimens in which some appear sparse hair, on the forehead and nape, they never come to form a long and consistent tuft.

As in the images you can partially see, the admitted and preferred color for this Mexican breed is the uniform and dark one. In general it goes from black, to black gray, slate gray and dark gray, to reddish, liver, bronze and blond. The standard also allows and tolerates that there are spots, of any color, even white.

Xoloitzcuintle: price

Not being a very widespread breed, its price is not easily identifiable and the challenge, before shelling out a large sum, of course, is to find a specimen available in Italy. Once we have contacted the breeding I mentioned, for example, we can ask directly for the price of the available specimens, inquiring about their characteristics. THE more recurring defects they are for example a very large head, light colored or round and prominent eyes, a short tail, loose skin or tufts of hair in non-standard positions, albinism, toupee formed by long hairs.

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