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International Animal Rights Day, to remember how important it is to respect both domestic and wild ones. In fact, there are current examples of mistreatment of dogs and cats as well as of other species that live far from us but that we "need" and we have no qualms about torturing. In the world there are animals eaten, worn, exploited for scientific experimentation and for fun, the International Animal Rights Day it serves to give the numbers that photograph today and to commit to a more civil tomorrow.
International Animal Rights Day: when it occurs
There International Animal Rights Day was set to coincide with the World Human Rights Day for December 10th. If, in fact, we want to say a strong and decisive "NO" to torture against human beings, it is good to repeat it also for those that concern others being alive, animals like us.
Since 1998 the world has been celebrating the International Animal Rights Day and we must say thanks to the British animal rights association Uncaget Campaigns which fought to have a date on the calendar to put it under everyone's eyes, with the "excuse" of International Day, the abuses against animals which, not having the gift of speech, struggle to tell them.
International Animal Rights Day: what is celebrated
More than celebrating, we remember, in the International Animal Rights Day, for example, the light is focused on the approximately 150 billion animals killed in the world for food purposes and on the many others who are forced to live in absurd conditions.
It should be remembered every day that values such as freedom and justice must also apply to those who do not have the right to vote: per children and for animals. Those who take the excuse of saying that first it is better to enforce those of human beings, and then, if anything, to think of those of dogs and cats and crocodiles, wrong.
These are two intrinsically linked concepts, whoever respects, respects everyone's rights, is an attitude that comes from within and is reflected on the outside without making distinctions. Kindness and respect are due to all sentient creatures.
International Animal Rights Day 2018: events and activities
In every city I am sure that initiatives will be organized in the squares and in the streets to raise awareness among citizens on the issue of animals killed to be eaten by us. A topic that is talked about a lot today, which creates divisions and accusations, between factions vegan, vegetarian and omnivore.
TO Milan, for example, on 10 December, theassociation Being Animals promotes a mobilization, with a meeting in via Marconi to "raise awareness and claim for animals the rights that we believe are inalienable regardless of belonging to species, such as the right not to be killed, not to be considered a property or not to be imprisonment and torture ". Similar initiatives are also proposed a Rome, Turin and Naples in different ways but with the same purpose.
Instead I would like to look up and face the International Animal Rights Day embracing the problem of the mistreatment and killing of similar creatures in a more general way. For example, also thinking about how we treat the animals we have at home. To which pet we chose and if, before welcoming him, we asked ourselves if our environment would be to his liking. How it should happen to whoever wants chameleons or strange little birds in the house.
It's not over: when we go at the zoo or circus, we ask ourselves how do animals live that make us spend a day of leisure? Will it be fun for them too or would they prefer to do something else? Let's look at the cosmetics labels to inform us about the tests carried out to create them?
More than going to the streets, or posting on our social profiles a beautiful, perhaps funny, image that reminds others that we remember that it is the International Animal Rights Day, I would invest a few hours to think about how my life conduct tramples, if it happens, the rights of animals and how I can avoid it.
In the evening, after these demanding reflections, a themed and entertainment film, unsurpassed and apt for the International Animal Rights Day: A Zoo on the Run.
Those who want a true, real, but equally interesting show can enjoy watching Planet Earth II: here the animals are filmed live with drones… unmissable images.
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