
Donkey milk, all the info

Donkey milk, all the info

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Donkey milk: where to buy, properties, price, benefits in nutrition and use for body care.

Until a few decades ago, thedonkey milkit was very popular especially in the countryside. The domestic donkey, Equus asinus, was raised extensively on farms and ranches. Today, thedonkey milkit has become much more difficult to find but not impossible. On this page we will analyze the properties of donkey milkand we'll see where to buy it.

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Donkey milk, properties

Thedonkey milkis regarded as themilkcloser to that produced by women, for this reason it is used for infant feeding and as a food for early childhood.

Let's start with the pH, cow's milk is slightly more acidic than human milk, while donkey's milk has a pH that fluctuates around 7 - 7.2, very close to the pH of women's milk (7 - 7.5) .

Donkey milk is less protein than cow's milk, for every 100 ml of product, donkey milk provides an average of 1.5 - 1.8 g of proteins against 3.1 - 3.8 g of cow's milk . Also in this case the value is very similar to that of breast milk (0.9 - 1.7 g of protein).

The lipid content is much lower than that of cow's milk, the fats contained in 100 g of milk are 0.3 - 1.8 g. If the fats are much lower, the amount of lactose is higher.

Among the functional proteins detected in thedonkey milkwe point out lactoferrin and lysozyme. The lactoferrin content is far higher than that of cow's milk, although it does not reach the highest values ​​of human milk.

For hisnutritional properties, thedonkey milkit is often used as a substitute for breast milk for inewbornsfor the content of proteins, lactose, mineral salts, fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids contained.

Active compounds such as lysozyme and lactoferrin help improve the formation of the immune defenses of the little ones.

When used for infancy, thepowdered donkey milkor in its natural form, it is often supplemented with vegetable oil (4 ml are added for every 100 ml of milk) so as to increase the calorie intake making it complementary to that of the mother.

Donkey milk cosmetics

Thedonkey milkit is widely used in cosmetics because it seems to have various benefits for the skin. The same nutrients mentioned above (proteins, mineral salts, vitamins, essential fatty acids, bioactive enzymes and coenzymes) allow the skin a balanced nourishment and proper hydration.

In particular, donkey milk would improve the softness, hydration and elasticity of the skin. On the market there is no shortage of soaps and creams based on donkey milk.

Among the various products based ondonkey milkwe would like to point out the Organic Face Cream of the Angona line which is one of the best value for money products based on donkey milk. A jar, on Amazon, can be bought with 29 euros and free shipping costs.

The cream preserves all the micronutrients naturally contained in donkey milk unchanged and supports them with Vitamin E and the antioxidants contained in cold pressed olive oil.

Donkey milk, price

The cost of a liter of donkey milk varies by manufacturer and product! The cost, in fact, is not comparable if the donkey milk is powdered or in its natural form, moreover, the price per liter varies according to the organic certification. A liter of organic donkey milk can be bought for around 17 euros. The donkey milk powder can be purchased at the pharmacy.

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