There are many things in our lives that have dematerialized, we can no longer touch or smell them, they have become "virtual": bank statements, commercial and monetary transactions, contact with friends or family, and we even read electronic books. This has reduced our dependence on paper, ink and other stationery items to a very significant degree and is being of great help in caring for the planet.
Category ECONOMY
If you are or have suffered from depression, you are not alone. Worldwide, more than 264 million people walk this path. Many people will experience at least one episode of severe clinical depression in their lifetime, and many more will face a lifelong struggle with "the black dog." Modern science does not yet understand the underlying causes of depression and much about this life-threatening condition remains a mystery, but for those of us on a spiritual path, a better understanding of the psycho-spiritual causes of depression can help us. to heal.
Fast Fashion What is Fast Fashion and why does it not suit us, both for buyers and for the ecosystem? Fast Fashion or Fast Fashion is based on the mass production of a garment in a short time. That so much has to be produced in such a short time and that the garments that are made must have an "accessible" price.
You don't always have to go on a big hiking trip or even go out of town to connect with nature. In fact, you can get a taste of the outdoors without ever having to leave your home! With the pandemic, many people do not want to risk going out and getting sick, or are not allowed to do so, so they have had to be more creative with their time.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) has brought many changes to our lives, among them is the ability to spend more time together as a family. With school out (or online) and nonessential shops and places closed, you may wonder what you can do with your family to ease boredom and avoid stress.
Do you know the saying "the road to hell is paved with good intentions?" It applies largely to the things we do to help care for the planet. Many of those seemingly sustainable choices you are making may not be as green as they seem, this is because marketing items make a lot of money as green products, regardless of whether or not they really are.
We know that it may not be convenient to place citrus peels in the compost bin because it can alter the pH of the compost or attract annoying mosquitoes. Many of us use the husks to fight ants in the garden. But did you know about this use? Natural degreaser with citrus peelsThe citrus peels that we are consuming, be they lemon, orange or grapefruit, can be placed in a large glass jar or plastic drum until full capacity is reached.
Summer is coming and, therefore, the best season arrives to wear our favorite accessories. Rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces… Everything looks much better with a summer look. And speaking of jewelry, did you know that there are jewelry that is respectful with the environment? This is the case of the jewels of San Saru, Lagalgo, Hõbe or Pretty of Mind.
We've all heard of white noise and how it helps people fall asleep, but now scientists have discovered how pink noise can make us sleepy, too. Unfortunately, insomnia and other sleep disorders have increased dramatically in the last decade. probably due to the prevalence of technology and a faster pace of life.
We all deal with stress in various ways in today's busy world. But over time, anxiety symptoms can damage our brain and other facets of health. Biologically, stress activates our fight or flight response initially designed to protect us against immediate threats.
Today I am sharing with you this stove in operation and we are going to make some simple measurements, I hope it serves as a reference and encourages you to build your stove, I leave you the contact of references to guide you and advise you on this path below. Today we are faced with a great crisis, something never seen before and these stoves can save many lives, since by not having the economic or natural resource to obtain heat it is very difficult to survive the winter and here we no longer only talk about people in a housing situation precarious but also of people with large and poorly designed houses that already last year did not manage to obtain the necessary heat to have the basic needs covered.
A new technique would help counter the decline of natural pollinators. It is inspired by the son of a Japanese researcher, it is soapy bubbles loaded with pollen grains that achieve a delicate and effective pollination. Due to the increasing disappearance of bees due to climate change and pesticides, the Japanese researcher Eijiro Miyaro, from the Advanced Institute of Science and Technology of Japan, he came up with an innovative way to pollinate flowers a few years ago.
There are many things in our lives that have dematerialized, we can no longer touch or smell them, they have become "virtual": bank statements, commercial and monetary transactions, contact with friends or family, and we even read electronic books. This has reduced our dependence on paper, ink and other stationery items to a very significant degree and is being of great help in caring for the planet.
When you think too much, your brain and body race trying to find solutions to problems that may not exist. Life could be so much simpler for all of us if we simply allowed ourselves to experience existence, without having to analyze it. Unfortunately, overthinking becomes it has become an epidemic around the world as our lives have become increasingly complicated.
No one is immune to stress, especially during a global pandemic. Stress can look different depending on who you are. Today many of us have difficulty sleeping, falling asleep, or constantly waking up fatigued. Although it is absolutely normal to experience stress and anxiety, learning to manage these uncomfortable feelings naturally is extremely important to developing a happier and healthier lifestyle!
Your home should express your lifestyle, both in the decoration and in the scent of the environments. When you enter someone's home, their vision and sense of smell are activated to perceive the new environment. Take a look at the spaces and notice the scent too. Therefore, that smell is what will be marked in your memory as belonging to the people who live in that place.
Electronic commerce (e-commerce, as it is known globally) has been positioning itself as the best way to buy for several years, not only because of its speed and accessibility, but also because of the convenience it offers the consumer. Although many do not know it, in the beginning it had another strong point: it was the most ecological option.
The main objective of acupressure is the treatment of pain or analgesia, as this constitutes an alarm signal from the body, which tells us that something is wrong. It is also useful for anxiety disorders, fear, nervousness, etc. Acupressure is older than acupuncture since it arose at a time when humanity still did not know how to work gold and silver to make needles, although it already had the knowledge of the existence of certain points in the human body, which, treated by pressure or massage, eliminated pain.
Many people go through a traumatic experience but escape relatively unscathed over time. However, others develop mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result. It can connect PTSD with soldiers returning from war.
Hello Permaprendiz, this time I bring you a Rocket Kitchen tutorial step by step and I explain absolutely EVERYTHING, I did not have anything left out, it is more if you skip some parts you will miss countless tricks and details that will make a difference and that is an excellent introduction to Bio-Construction so I recommend it.
A panic attack involves an overwhelming sense of fear, paranoia, and anxiety, which builds up along with palpitations, sweating, and even breathing difficulties. They are very unpleasant, and those who get them can often attest to how exhausting and scary they can be.If you get panic attacks regularly, you may be doing certain things that contribute to your risk for them.