Did you know that reflexology is a massage technique that dates back to ancient Egypt? In this form of massage, pressure is applied to specific areas or zones on the hands and feet that correlate with different parts of the body. This technique is an effective way to treat a wide range of health conditions.
Category HEALTH
Drinking wine is as old as the hills. People have been consuming wine for approximately six to eight thousand years. Throughout history, wine has been used during celebrations, religious ceremonies, to heal and comfort the elderly. You may be wondering about the health benefits of wine.
While the word 'pepper' is reminiscent of spices, peppers have a milder flavor. They are often used to add flavor and texture to favorite dishes, but are also enjoyed as a snack. With the many health benefits, it's no wonder they're more popular - if you haven't added bell peppers to your diet regularly yet, now is the time.
The sage plant has a long history as a medicinal herb. It is a perennial plant of the genus Salvi, and its scientific name is clary sage. It is considered one of the top essential oils for hormones, especially in women.Many studies have been done on its benefits when it comes to cramps, heavy menstrual cycles, hot flashes, and hormonal imbalances.
In addition to thirst, many people ignore the common signs of dehydration, believing that the symptoms they feel will eventually resolve themselves.For years, many dietitians, nutritionists, doctors, and even exercise physiologists have preached the importance of consuming a minimum of eight glasses of 250cm3 water per day.
Apitherapy is a type of treatment that involves bees and the use of products derived from them. It is used to treat diseases such as arthritis, as well as certain wounds, pain from chronic diseases, and even injuries. It is also known to improve skin health by reducing inflammation and wrinkles, as well as providing antibacterial effects.
When spring comes in, and when several weeks have passed since its arrival, allergy sufferers start to tremble. Plants are in full bloom and pollination cycle, leading to more sensitive people suffering from allergies. There is no cure for these, but there are remedies to treat them and, above all, symptoms to know to act as soon as possible in case there is a risk of an acute attack.
Whether you're the next Michael Phelps or you just know how to row, swimming is a great way to stay fit. Learning to swim is often the only hurdle you have to face, but with consistent time and effort, it can be an easy skill to acquire that comes with a multitude of benefits in return.
Looking for ways to shed excess inner thigh fat? Rest assured, you are not alone in this quest - leg fat can be stubborn. Unfortunately, it is a growing problem as you age. This is because when you reach a certain age and gain weight, new fat cells develop in your thighs and hips.
Something as simple as having a gardenia bouquet in the bedroom can help reduce stress and anxiety. One study found that Gardenia can be as calming as the drug "Valium." The plant that is popularly known as Jasmine (taxonomic name Jasminum) is a genus of shrubs and vines of the Olive Family (Oleaceae).
Instead of ultraviolet light damaging the skin, infrared light therapy is a safe, new and innovative way to help treat pain and inflammation in the body. Its penetrating rays allow light to target the deep layers of the skin, allowing for powerful yet painless pain relief.
After a stressful day your mood has collapsed, and the first thing you want to try is to calm your nerves with lots of ice cream. Did you ever think it was weird that you have cravings for sweets when you are exhausted? Well, there may be some scientific reasoning behind this common problem as you are not alone.
While most people wouldn't think of taking a cold shower when they get out of bed in the morning, you can get a lot of health benefits by turning the knob to the right instead of the left. Cold showers help improve your overall mental and physical health by strengthening your willpower and nervous system response.
With the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic around the world, more and more people are in quarantine. Most schools have been closed and most jobs are being taken care of remotely to keep the infection rate low. Now parents around the world are faced with a dilemma about how to occupy their children without sitting in front of them. on TV all day.
Stress is an unavoidable part of life. Your day may be great and the sun is shining, but the next minute you could have a significant crisis that will turn your world upside down. Fortunately, you have the power to control your response to them - you've probably heard a million times that stress kills.
Quick Disclaimer: The article focuses on how supplements increase the effectiveness of the immune system. However, given the pandemic currently raging in certain parts of the world, it needs to be emphasized that there is little or no evidence as to the efficacy of supplements in fighting any new virus, including COVID-19.
As a person begins to age, it is reasonable to forget little everyday things. For example, you can forget where you put your car keys, or you can leave your clothes in the washing machine overnight. Forgetfulness is not uncommon for an aging crowd. However, if it goes beyond a couple of things here or there, then it is something that needs to be investigated.
Addictions are an elongated shadow that always threatens to engulf anyone. There are many types and all kinds of objects or substances, but one of the most frequent is addiction to alcohol. Drinking addicts are the ones who must end up going to addiction or detox centers the most to get back to having a normal life.
When you have experienced a traumatic event in your life, is it possible to completely erase this incident from your brain? Wouldn't it be miraculous if your mind worked like a video recorder and you could remove anything that has caused you psychological harm? Unfortunately, you don't have the option to erase your history, and the scars it leaves are part of you.
Indigestion symptoms can manifest in many ways, from mild heartburn to persistent stomach pain that never goes away.OVERVIEW OF INDIGESTION Indigestion is a general term used to describe a general feeling of discomfort and pain in the upper abdominal area.
In Europe in the 17th century, people were dying from the Black (bubonic) plague. There was no knowledge about antibiotics, there was no sewage management or hygiene, and cities were full of mice and fleas. In France, where the prescription originated, half the population died within a few weeks, hospitals were overcrowded, and the situation caused uncontrollable panic throughout the region.